Thursday, November 27, 2008

Song quote!

"I will learn to say goodbye to yesterday..."
"Cause I've seen, I've seen, Twilight..."

Vanessa Carlton, her song Twilight.

Be thankful for what you have and be HAPPY!!!

HApPy ThAnKSgiViNg!!!!


Sorry I haven't visited my blog for a while m.

Thanks for everybody!




Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Poem: your comments matter to me, by Tutti Frutti

Well hey
to everbuds
that made me happy cuz
when people are nice
it makes me feel like rice
nice and sticky and sweet
and it is so nice when you comment and not be descreet
because it wipes me off my feet
cuz ur comments matter to me
and i like to get at least 3
on each post that you see!

Thanks for commenting!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I just added some awesome songs!!!!!

So, kick back, relax, and listen to my tunes!

I took the test and I am Bella Swan

I took the Twilight charecter test and I am Bella Swan.

Pretty cool, huh?

Monday, November 10, 2008

This is the Tuttifrutti pix!

Well, it was but it's not coming up.

How do you add music to your blog?

How do you add a cool backround to your blog?


Hey everybud!

This is Tuttifrutti!

so so so so so,

I just joined a blog called "The Proj Blog"

YOU yes YOU can see my post on paper mache and other REALLY cool projects!

All the slide shows on the side show the projects that we have instructed!

So this is the site:

Go there! You can find SOOOOO many cool stuff! And to the Uhohmonster, we want you to join!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Hey hey

Though that word is simple it is meaningful.
hey as in:
hey stop that
hey as in:
hey beautiful
hey as in:
hey wait up
hey as in:
hey what's up
hey as in:
HEY where were you!
hey as in:
hay is for horses!

Hey everybuds!

Right now I am on my cousins computer and his computer mouse is a gun. Every time you press the trigger it's like clicking! It's really fun to click. Today I went to a soccer game and there was a rock climbing wall with these webbing net type things inside of it and a trampoline at the bottom and it was abousolutley free and it was absoulutley fun and so yeah...
OBAMA WON! I am so happy!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Vote. Today will make history.

About Fat Albert again:

Do any of you know who Nashalin is? Is that just a fake name or is it actually real? Are any of you out there Nashalin? Not that it matters.

Ok so about the fat albert fwd

ps. It was a text message fwd.

Hey hey hey fat albert

Have you got this email yet?
Kinda wierd.


You have been cursed by the flabbiness of fat albert. If you don't fwd this to 5 of your contacts then you will be 1000000000x as big as the earth itself!


I think it is kind of rude and I didn't fwd it because I didn't like it. Have you gotten it yet?

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Hey guys!
If you could do my polls and comment on my stuff that would be SHAZAM!

HAppy HAlloween to all my buds!

That's all yall' out there!
Everbuds my bud!!!!!

Whoa what happened? I almost forgot to wish all you buds a HApppppppy HAlloweenn!